Instruments for preserving the unity of family businesses and agricultural assets – perspectives of legal history

date: 07 June 2024

location: Budapest

presenters: Katarzyna Zombory, János Ede Szilágyi, Andreas Televantos, Kentaro Matsubara, Gerald Kohl, Martin Loehnig, Giacomo Pace Gravina, Mircea-Dan Bob-Bocșan, Zsuzsanna Peres, Francesco Ciccolo, Kinga Ilyés, Marta Cantín Larumbe, Abdullah İslamoğlu, David Kolumber, Zsófia Hornyák, Emőd Veress

moderators: Emőd Veress, János Ede Szilágyi, Endre Domaniczky

themes: unity of family agricultural or business assets; how to preserve the family character of a company; regulations, contracts or asset management structures

On 7 June 2024, the Central European Academy will organise a conference entitled “Instruments for preserving the unity of family businesses and agricultural assets – perspectives of legal history”, with the collaboration of the Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law, the Central European Comparative Law Association and the Hungarian Comparative Law Association.

The conference will examine the instruments used to preserve the unity of family agricultural or business assets from a legal historical perspective. The aim is to identify the techniques used in different states to prevent the fragmentation of family assets, to preserve the family character of the company and to keep it in family hands. These can be created by regulation (by the legislator), by contract or by asset management structures. The basic aim of the conference and the research is to identify possible historical models, and anything that can legitimately transferred to the law of the 21st century.

Programme of the event in Hungarian:


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