Other publications

Beside publishing and maintaining various book series, as an academic publisher the Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law seeks to provide a good platform for the acclaimed scholars in Hungary and also in Central and Eastern Europe to publish their intriguing and challenging researches. Thanks to this work of the MFI, Csaba Varga’s writings from three decades related to the topic of rule of law were published in an edited volume. This book is entitled Rule of Law – Contesting and Contested.

Constitutional Reasoning and Constitutional Interpretation 

Zoltán J. Tóth


Fundamental rights have become increasingly important since the emergence of modern constitutionalism. The states of Central and Eastern Europe, as third-generation countries of concentrated constitutional adjudication, and in leaving behind the legacy of state socialism, have faced challenges owing to the specificities of their recent history and the problems of transitioning to a democracy governed by the principle of the rule of law.

The Impact of Digital Platforms and Social Media on the Freedom of Expression and Pluralism

Marcin Wielec


Nowadays, people have no choice but to use technological advances. In contrast to five or ten years ago, the present is a completely different reality in terms of technological possibilities, the dissemination of information, forging personal relationships, networking, etc.

Religious Symbols in the Public Sphere

Paweł Sobczyk


The discussion about the presence of religious symbols in the public sphere is often characterized by emotional intensity, reflecting the attitude of society toward the basic values on which European culture and civilization are based and also testifying to the Christian identity of many European nations.

Family Protection From a Legal Perspective

Tímea Barzó and Barnabás Lenkovics


One of the joint research topics of the Eastern European Professors’ Network is the “Protection of the Family in Law.” The designation of this research topic can already be regarded as a delimitation in itself, since it refers only to the grounds and optimal means of legal protection.

The Rule of Law

Csaba Varga


The rule of law has become a watchword in international politics over the last few decades. It has been transformed from a descriptum into a prescriptum, a criterion for judging legal orders, transferred from the legal to the political sphere.