International Public Law from a Central European Perspective

date: 22 April 2022

location: Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Budapest

presenters: Bertrand MATHIEU, Anikó RAISZ, Paweł CZUBIK, Rodoljub ETINSKI, Elżbieta KARSKA, Péter KOVÁCS, Péter PACZOLAY, Elisabeth SÁNDOR-SZALAY, Karol KARSKI, Rutvica Rusan NOVOKMET, Michał BALCERZAK, Katarzyna ZOMBORY

moderators: Anikó RAISZ

themes: International Public Law from a Central European Perspective

The Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law (MFI) and the Central European Academy (CEA) of the University of Miskolc organized an international conference on the 22nd of April 2022 in the Hungarian Academy of Sciences entitled “International Public Law from a Central European Perspective”. 

The conference provided an opportunity for the authors of the forthcoming book, “International Public Law from a Central European Perspective”, to present their chapters and discuss current issues of international law from the perspective of Central and Eastern European countries. Topics covered include sovereignty and identity in international law, various forms and levels of international cooperation, international protection of individuals, communities and values, international criminal law, and migration. 

We had the honour of greeting  the authors of the book and the speakers at the conference Bertrand MATHIEU (University of Sorbonne, France), Paweł CZUBIK (Cracow University of Economics, Poland), Rodoljub ETINSKI (University of Novi Sad, Serbia), Péter KOVÁCS (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary), Péter PACZOLAY (University of Szeged, Hungary), Elisabeth SÁNDOR-SZALAY (University of Pécs, Hungary), Rutvica Rusan NOVOKMET (University of Zagreb, Croatia), Anikó RAISZ (University of Miskolc, Hungary), Katarzyna ZOMBORY (University of Miskolc – Central European Academy, Hungary). 

Although the other authors of the book could not be present in person, the professors involved in the research, Elżbieta KARSKA (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (UKSW), Poland), Karol KARSKI (University of Warsaw, Poland), Michał BALCERZAK (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland) honoured us with a video login.  

The programme of the conference

Moderator: Anikó RAISZ
University of Miskolc, Hungary

9:30-10:00 Registration, welcome coffee

10:00-10:20 Opening of the conference, welcome speech
University of Miskolc, Hungary

Panel I.

10:20-10:40 Constitutional Identity
Bertrand MATHIEU
University of Sorbonne, France

10:40-11:00 Sovereignty in International Law
Cracow University of Economics, Poland

11:00-11:20 State Succession
Rodoljub ETINSKI
University of Novi Sad, Serbia

11:20-11:40 International Cooperation (International Organizations)
Elżbieta KARSKA
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (UKSW), Poland

11:40-12:40 Standing reception

Panel II.

12:40-13:00 International Criminal Law
Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary

13:00-13:20 Protection of Human Rights
University of Szeged, Hungary

13:20-13:40 Protection of Minorities
University of Pécs, Hungary

14:00-14:20 Migration
University of Warsaw, Poland

14:20-14:40 Coffee break

Panel III.

14:40-15:00 International Peace and Security
Rutvica Rusan NOVOKMET
University of Zagreb, Croatia

15:00-15:20 International dispute settlement
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland

15:20-15:40 International Environmental Law
University of Miskolc, Hungary

15:40-16:00 The Protection of Cultural Heritage in International Law
Katarzyna ZOMBORY
University of Miskolc – Central European Academy, Hungary

16:00-16:20 Closing remarks
University of Miskolc, Hungary


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