The Institute for Justice in Warsaw in partnership with the Academic Circle of Criminal Procedure at the Faculty of Law and Administration of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw and the Miskolc University – Central European Academy has the honor and pleasure to invite you to participate in the Oxford Debate: “Right to Privacy”, which will take place on 20 June 2022 on Zoom paltform.
The main objective is to draw the attention of European citizens to important and relevant topics related to the future of Europe, and Central Europe in particular.
The issue of the right to privacy and its possible drawbacks from a legal point of view are crucial for Europe in the 21st century.
The main objective of the event is to enable young researchers to present different visions on:
– sources of the right to privacy and their meaning in the national legal order
– evaluation of the effectiveness of legal protection measures of the right to privacy in the national legal order.
The characteristic feature of this Oxford Debate is to draw attention to different kinds of benefits and risks of privacy issues. Two teams will participate in the Oxford Debate:
– the team from Poland;
– team from Hungary.
The event is organized within the framework of the Central European Professors Network, coordinated by the Miskolc University – Central European Academy.