Prof. Dr. Zsuzsa Wopera

Organisational unit:

Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law

Scope of work:

The president of the Institute


+36 (1) 896 5288


Curriculum vitae

Professional Experience

from 2024 – President of the Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law

2014-2024 – Ministerial Commissioner, Ministry of Justice

Since 1991 – full-time lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Miskolc

Since 2002 – Head of the Department of Civil Procedural Law, University of Miskolc, Faculty of Law

2007-2017 – Director of the Institute of European and International Law, University of Miskolc, Faculty of Law

2012-2015 – Deputy Dean for General and Academic Affairs, University of Miskolc, Faculty of Law

Education and academic qualifications

1991. 1991 Law degree ‘summa cum laude’

1997. 1997 Bar examination

1998-2001 Doctoral studies at the Deák Ferenc School of Law and Political Sciences

2002 doctoral degree ’summa cum laude’

2002 PhD degree with the distinction ’summa cum laude’

2011 habilitation (dr. habil)

2013 appointment as university professor

Professional Engagements

Since 2003 expert of the Hungarian Accreditation Commission

2005 – 2009 member of the Board of Trustees of the Miskolc Law Clinic and Street Law Foundation

Since 2006 member of the Editorial Board of the Miskolc Legal Review

2007 – 2017 member of the Editorial Board of the Faculty Bulletin

Since 2005 member of the Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung für Internationales Verfahrensrecht

Since 2007 member of the Hungarian chapter of the European Council for Agricultural Law, CEDR – Hungarian Agricultural Law Association

Since 2007 member of the Council of the Deák Ferenc Doctoral School of Law and Political Sciences

Since 2012 member of the Deák Ferenc Doctoral School of Law and Political Science

Since 2007 member of the Board of Trustees of the Miskolc Foundation for Legal Education

Since 2008 expert in projects co-financed by the European Social Fund

Since 2002 OTKA research grant expert

Since 2009 member of the Association of Private Law Professors (MOE)

2009-2012 member of the Board of the Association of Private Law Professors (MOE)

2012-2016 member of the jury of the OTKA College of Social Sciences and Humanities in the field of Law and Political Science (ÁJP)

Since 2007 member of the Editorial Board of European Integration Studies (EIS)

Since 2021 member of the International Advisory and Peer Review Board of the international journal titled Law, Identity and Values

2019-2024 member of the Doctoral College of the Hungarian Accreditation Commission

2020 – 2024 president of the Civil Sciences Section of the Hungarian Bar Association

From 2024 president of the Family Law Section of the Hungarian Bar Association

From 2024 member of the National Council for the Protection of Animals

International Expertise

2003 Mexico, XII World Congress on Procedural Law, national presentation on ‘The Relation between Arbitration and other forms of Private Adjudication and State Adjudication’

2010 Oxford, national referate on ‘Funding, costs and proportionality in Hungary’

2010-2011, National referate on ‘Class Actions in Hungary’ for the 18th International Congress on Comparative Law in the international comparative law research project

2010, national referate on ‘Insolvency proceedings in Hungary’ in the project European Insolvency Regulations, Application of the European Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings

2011-2012, National referate ‘Review of Court’s Acts in Civil Procedure of Hungary’ in the Review of Court’s Acts in Civil Procedure of EU and CIS Countries project   

2014-2015. Nemzeti referátum ’Common Law Approach to the Decision-making Process in the Hungarian Civil Procedure Law’ témában a „The U.S. Supreme Court’s Modern Common Law Approach to Judicial Decision Making” c. projektben (Loyola Law School, Los Angeles)

2022, researcher of the research group ’Legal Protection of Elderly’ of the ’Polish-Hungarian Research Platfom (PHRP2)’

2023, researcher of the research group ’Legal Protection of Children with Disabilities’ of the ’Polish-Hungarian Research Platfom (PHRP3)’

Domestic Grants

2003 – 2005, supervisor in the OTKA-funded research project ’The possibilities and the need to develop our civil procedural law in the light of international trends’

2006, OTKA publication competition for the monograph ’Effective legal protection in Hungarian and European Union civil procedural law – The interim measure’

2007 – 2012, topic leader in the OTKA funded research project ’New challenges of Hungarian civil procedural law in the light of European Community law and practice’

2012 – 2016, Bolyai János Research Fellow of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences with the grant ’Trends in European Family Law’

Awards Scholarships

2023 University of Miskolc ’Distinguished Scientific Author1 Award for outstanding publication activities for the scientific visibility of the University of Miskolc

2022 University of Miskolc ’Distinguished Scientific Author I.’ Award for outstanding publication activities for the academic visibility of the University of Miskolc

2021 ’Pro Universitate’ Award, University of Miskolc

2020 Ministerial Certificate of Recognition, Minister of Justice

2018 Gyula Moór Award, Minister of Justice

2017 Ministerial Commendation, Minister of Justice

2017 Ákos Bizony Distinguished Legal Prize, Miskolc Municipality

2016 János Bolyai Commemorative Plaque for research rated as ’outstanding’

2015 ’Signum Aureum Universitatis’ Award, University of Miskolc

2012 ’Outstanding Consultant’ Award, University of Miskolc

2010 ’Signum Aureum Facultatis’ Award, University of Miskolc

2007 Master Teacher Gold Medal, National Council of Scientific Students (OTDT)

2005 ’Pro Facultate Iurisprudentiae’ Medal, University of Miskolc, Faculty of Law

2004 ’Young Scientist’ Award, MTA MAB

Language Proficiency

English, French

Publications (MTMT)