On 23-24 November 2023, the Central European Academy organized the “Federalism Vs Coexistence? The Diverging Paths Ahead For The Eu And The Role Of Member States” conference in cooperation with the Faculty of Law of the University of Miskolc, Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law and the Central European Association for Comparative Law.

The research aims to examine how the Member States of the European Union, and in particular individual institutions, operate (and can operate), in achieving a cooperative cohabitation, and what processes and institutions might need to be rethought (e.g. redefining EU and Member State competences, revising the principle of preemption, better understanding of the process of federalism, etc.).

The ‘Federalism vs coexistence? The diverging paths ahead for the EU and the role of Member States’ conference was organised within the framework of the collaboration with the Ministry of EU Affairs in preparation for the Hungarian EU Presidency in 2024.
Programme of the event: