
You can find a list of all publications published by the researchers of the Mádl Ferenc Institute of Comparative Law here.

2021. 4. quarter year

Katarzyna Zombory: The agricultural land trade – Theory and practice (Poznań, 26 November 2020) – Conference report (selected papers)

Keywords: agricultural land, conference report, land trade, practice, theory

Zoltán Nagy – Enikő Krajnyák: Comparative Analysis of the French and the Czech Regulation of the Taxation of Digital Companies

Keywords: digital servies tax, double taxation, European Union directive, international tax law, tax harmonisation

Emőd Veress: Remarks on István Szászy (1899-1976), on the General Part of Hungarian Civil Law and the Role of the Comparative Method in Private Law

Keywords: com-parative law, general part of civil law, Hungarian civil law, István Szászy, Soviet law

Renáta Hrecska-Kovács: Disciplinary proceedings in the United Nations

Keywords: disciplinary proceedings, Europe, United Nations

Noémi Suri: Status Report on the Regulation of Insolvency Law at an EU Level and Its Trends of Transformation and Development

Keywords: bankruptcy, European Union, insolvency, international cooperation, reorganization

György Marinkás: Some remarks on the ‘Shechita case’ of the ECJ

Keywords: Court of Justice of the European Union, European Court of Human Rights, halal, prior stunning, religious discrimination, ritual slaughter, shechita

Márta Benyusz – Gábor Hulkó: Regulation of social media’s public law liability in the Visegrad States

Keywords: media regulation, public law responsibility, social media, social media liability